Re: [frogs] joining the team

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On Aug 8, 2010, at 12:09 PM, Trevor Daniels wrote:

> OK; I'm happy to work with you on this, but it will
> need you to be able to build the web.  This in turn means
> you need to be able to obtain the source in a git repository.
> The way to do this is in the Contributor's Guide, section 2.
> Unless you're git-aware use lily-git described in 2.1.

I've already got the source with Git and compiled using lilybuntu. 

> The first step is to work through CG 2.1 and send me a test
> patch set.  Anything will do, but we may as start with one of
> the web css's.  When you have the source available navigate to
> Documentation/css, make a trivial change to lilypond.css
> (anything will do for a test - "WB woz 'ere" for example)
> save it, and send me a patch set.  When you've done that
> successfully we can go on to something more concrete.

OK. I will probably get to that tomorrow.

> BTW, I see you use Apple Mail; does that mean you use a Mac?

Yeah. Like I said, I've been able to build using the virtual machine image. If there's a way to do it on Snow Leopard now, I'd be happy to hear it but last time when I tried downloading all the prerequisites, it looked like a multi-day task and I bailed.

- William Bajzek

Join the Frogs!

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