Re: [frogs] ready to (re)start

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On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 10:03:58PM -0500, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi Graham,
> > As a very approximate guide, when you see a bunch of
> > warnings/errors about missing node names and stuff, referring to
> > stuff in other languages, you're over 60% done.  (very rough guess)
> I appear to be at "", if that means anything...

> > I didn't expect this.  Do you have a G4 machine?
> MacBook 1.1: Intel Core Duo (2 GHz, 1 processor, 2 cores).

Something's wrong.  If you haven't already, kill the build with
ctrl-c.  As Carl said earlier, building the docs on a machine like
that should be 30-45 minutes.

Now go to the top source dir, or top build dir if it's different,
and do:

  du -sh *

and send the results.  This tells us the size of all the
directories (and files, but we ignore that) in the directory.
Since it's been going for hours, I'm half-expecting (/ fearing)
that out-www/ is going to be 5 gigs or something.

IIRC I actually did a build from scratch about 36 hours ago, and I
can't think of any build-system changes since then... I mean, it's
just _possible_ that somebody messed up something and it's going
into an infinite loop, but that seems unlikely.  I'll try a build
from scratch tomorrow, though.

The next thing to try is whether you can execute "make doc" inside
input/.  i.e.
  cd input/
  make doc-clean
  nice make doc

that should be 5-20 minutes.  If it fails or it's longer, then
something's screwy with the regtests.  If it succeeds, then at
least we know that the regtests work and we can look at the docs
in more detail.

- Graham

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