Re: [frogs] ready to (re)start

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Hi Graham,

> As a very approximate guide, when you see a bunch of
> warnings/errors about missing node names and stuff, referring to
> stuff in other languages, you're over 60% done.  (very rough guess)

I appear to be at "", if that means anything...

> I didn't expect this.  Do you have a G4 machine?

MacBook 1.1: Intel Core Duo (2 GHz, 1 processor, 2 cores).

> hmm, is it on a very slow disk?

1.5 Gigabit Serial-ATA

> Or are you running out of memory?

Still > 7GB left.

> Oh, did you run "make doc" or "nice make doc" ?

make doc

> Nice reduces the priority

If I ever decide to torture myself again, I'll try that -- thanks.

> Believe it or not, it's never been easier to get involved in lilypond.
> (or rather, in the past it was even harder.)


> I've done everything I can think of to let people help development
> without compiling, precisely because this IS such a hard step.
> There's LSR, there's handing bugs, there's a newsletter (maybe),
> there's editing scm files without recompiling (I can't take credit
> for this, though)... there's also editing the docs without
> compiling lilypond.  Granted, the latter won't help in your case.

Yeah... well... I'd really like to help, but
    (1) I need/want to work on the things that I need done for my own scores (e.g., the MetronomeMark issues, Slur improvements) which mostly apparently require compilation; and,
    (2) you wanted me to do this one-line doc fix, which apparently requires 8+ hours of my time just to get to the point where I can *start* to fix the one doc line.

> Sorry, that's all I can think of.

I'm not blaming you personally, of course, but... #$%@(#*$&ing MAO!!

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