Re: [chrony-users] Chronyc Call to Add Refclock

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On Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 02:18:45PM +0000, Chang, Benjamin wrote:
> I am essentially using the offset to be like the settime call (so by hours, days, etc). Its easier/more consistent to use the offset to change the date/time across multiple systems than using settime due to one being a constant while the other potentially having a delay depending on when the other systems receive the call. 

That's an interesting use case. After readding the NTP source do you
issue chronyc makestep or do you have an unlimited makestep allowed?

Is it synchronizing to NTP when it ignores PPS?

I'd expect the sources to be marked both as falsetickers first. Then
PPS will stop accepting new samples, after some time it will select
NTP, which will allow PPS to collect new measurements again and then
it can be selected.

> > That indicates the offset between the NTP source and PPS source is too large.
> Interesting because if I have the offset established in the chrony file, it will sync to the PPS after with the time/day offset. For examples, I am in EST, I currently have an offset of -54321 in the .conf file and upon a systemctl restart chronyd, it is now that far behind (Sunday), synced to my PPS with around 0-10us measured offset. 
> So if I somehow change the offset prior to the first PPS after I reset chronyd, then that should work maybe?
> Even when it syncs up occasionally, the measured chronyc sources offset is only about 50 us which should be synchronize-able no?

How large is the "+/-" value in the sources output? Maybe there are
old samples mixed with new samples, causing a very large dispersion.

The best way to see what's going on would be to get the debug output
from chronyd (when compiled with the --enable-debug option).

Miroslav Lichvar

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