Re: Nimrod

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Q: Where is Nimrod used in SliTaz? And why?
A: Currently nowhere officially. The unofficial one that started
this all is the tazpanel_inc code that Alekej wrote with the intention
of speeding up package listings. It has shown to be 5 times faster than
the ash script equivalent - see for the graph and
package. It does require a small fix to work correctly (with regards to
tazpkg's files, not the code itself). I also created an unofficial
package @ which
is a text/code editor written in Nimrod using gtksourceview to do
syntax highlighting. It can edit more than just Nimrod code and is
smaller than Beaver and Geany to use.
As to Why: Binaries are fast ;)

Q: Can Nimrod binaries be optimized?
A: Yes, it includes several flags within it's compiler to optimize
the binaries it produces. -d:release is what we use to strip the
debugger code, while using --opt:speed or --opt:size optimizes the
binary for speed or size.

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