Re: Maybe Leaving slitaz

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me and godane worked things out.

I, however, have to apologize for my behaviour. It was uncalled for and
unprofessional (to say the least). Recently I have dealt better with my
anger, mostly because of a minor stroke I suffered earlier in the year.

Actually, there are a few people that deserve an apology from me, most
notably Martin Svensson and Ikem Krueger. Both of which I have treated
less than kind of the forums, which resulted in the loss of Martin from
the project. Ikem came with some good ideas and I was resistant to
them. pankso later implemented these changes. This is proof that I
really am often wrong about things. I probably also need to apologize
to Baka who came up with the self-contained packages idea. They might
actually be worth exploring.

Anyway, I'm sorry and I really do try to keep my temper under-control,
mostly for the sake of my heart.

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