Re: [proaudio] Could you please these QJackMMC and jackctlmmc ebuilds?

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Don't want to sound picky here but there are numerous ebuilds in media-sound/
in portage that depend on pkgconfig and they list it in DEPEND, the only thing
here is that deps should be listed each on a separate line, I suppose for
readability. AFAIK if the package is in the core system set then it doesn't
need to be listed, like gcc and glibc, etc. pkgconfig I think isn't. The
ebuilds look good otherwise, though maybe there should be a "|| die" at the
end of the call to econf.
Many thanks for the ebuilds.


Thanks Gavin, I've integrated your suggestions and attached the new ebuilds.

-- Alex

Attachment: jackctlmmc-4.ebuild
Description: Binary data

Attachment: qjackmmc-4.ebuild
Description: Binary data

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