Re: [proaudio] Gentoo pro-audio livecd

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On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 7:31 AM, David Cunningham
<david.m.cunningham@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I would also add the XFCE4 suggestion...I sorta like your idea but i would
> rather see a Pro-Audio Gentoo based installable distro...that would be more
> appealing than a livecd.

But what is a Gentoo 'installable distro' other than standard Gentoo
with a modified world file, along with use flags, layman, etc.?

Mostly I don't even use the Gentoo Install CD to do Gentoo installs
anymore in favor of any Live CD that throws up a GUI so that I can run
a terminal and copying install instructions from a web page. If I was
to use the Gentoo install CD I always start sshd and then shell in
from some other machine to do all the heavy lifting.

I think the Pro-audio Live CD would be a good step toward helping a
new Gentoo user get started. It's proof of concepts as all the apps
work, and gives a reasonable base to start an install from if someone
wants to really use Gentoo. Too that end the Live CD should probably
include all the stuff someone uses to do an install - vi, lspci, etc.,

Just my thoughts as I get ready to so my most complicated Gentoo
install to date - i7-980x processor with 24GB of DRAM and two RAID
systems in a single box. It will run Gentoo and 5 copies of Windows 7
in parallel. It should be fun! ;-)


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