[proaudio] Gentoo pro-audio livecd

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Hi All!

I have the idea to create a gentoo livecd focused on pro-audio. I
planned to make a 32 and a 64 bit one. The latter one should base on
portage-multilib-overlay (so it's possible to use recent jack) . I
planned to install the following programs:

- ardour
- jack
- qjcakctl
- xwax
- patchage
- audacity and/or rezound
- rosegarden
- qtractor
- Mixxx
- Mp3diags
- Sound Converter
- Picard
- gmusicbrowser
- lash/ladish ?
 -some synths

And a common gnome system. Do you have further suggestions what you
would like to see?

An installable system would be nice, too.I've already created several
gentoo livecds with catalyst, but GLI is  since 2006 dead. I already
talked to sabayon devs which use molecule to create sabayon iso's.
molecule is still missing any doc. Do you have suggestions how to create
an installer? And what do you think of the project?

Best regards,

Björn Thorwirth
Bjoern Thorwirth, Zentrum für Medizinische Biotechnologie,
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstr. 2, 45117 Essen, Germany
phone +49 201 183-4026, bjoern.thorwirth@xxxxxxxxxx

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