Re: [proaudio] Re: rtirq package missing

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SteelRage wrote:
Frieder Bürzele ha scritto:
SteelRage wrote:
As the topic says, the current overlay's rtirq ebuild tries to download
a version of the archive that isn't on the rtirq site anymore.
I suppose you better update the ebuild to use the latest version:

Just a little question about rtirq... Do you know if it is needed when
NOT using the realtime-lsm patch in a pam-rlimits system?


IMO yes.
As rtirq just set realtime priorities

I tried to emerge the new rtirq ebuild and at first glance, it seems it
The only problem is that you must add to the package.keywords file the
following line:
sys-process/rtirq -*

If you don't do that, it still tries to download/use the old version
(that seems to not be hosted anymore on the rtirq site).
It could be a problem
Greetz and thank you (and Happy new Year ;))


fixed and removed old ebuilds

also heapy new year

Greetz Frieder

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