[proaudio] Problems and suggestions about the Mailing List

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 I cannot send mails anymore to the overlay's mailing list. The mail
server of my provider complains saying: "RCPT address has non existant
domain <lists.tuxfamily.org>".
It seems libero.it doesn't like too much your domain :(
Could you check if everything is allright or should I contact my
provider first?

Now the only way I have to send emails is by using gmane.
Because I saw you set the options so that the "reply-to" address is
encripted, could you contact Lars (the mantainer of gmane) to
"unscramble" it? It gives problems when replying to emails.
If that gives problems (for example because it is necessary to protect
the sender's address too), then simply ignore this request
Bye :)


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