Re: [openag5-talk] Modus operandis

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>  > That is: the color shift keys don't generate any scancode, is it
>  > correct?
> Correct, that is one of the reasons for this OpenAG5 project:  with
>  our own custom firmware, we can make *every* key emit a scan-code!

Yes, yes, I agree again, we can completely control the device. But
some of the eventually required transformations can't be made by
simply transfering the generated remapping of the autohotkey, because
it knows nothing about scancodes, it knows only about keycodes of a
conventional board.

And more, you'd need a software driver in the OS (or in X?) to
translate the scancodes generated by that new shift keys, because also
the common keyboard drivers know nuts about them.

But that's only for some specific cases when someone wants, for
example, to add more symbols in not used locations in the original
device. See this example of remapping I'd like to implement for

Look at the red and green thumb keys (upside) where I put some extra
symbols. Think about another language, which could use many more
diacritics than portuguese. It would be interesting to use all the
room provided by so many 2-chording possibilities. But a conventional
keyboard (that is, the conventional driver already installed in any
machine) can't deal with these tricky things (namely, 3 shift levels).

I din't study the conventional remapping possibilities, because I'm
still waiting for the AG5 I've just bought. Maybe I'm wrong, what do
you think?

Felipe Castro.


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