Re: [openag5-talk] Modus operandis

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> Yes, yes, I agree again, we can completely control the device. But
> some of the eventually required transformations can't be made by
> simply transfering the generated remapping of the autohotkey, because
> it knows nothing about scancodes, it knows only about keycodes of a
> conventional board.

With a new firmware in the AG5 we don't talk about a single table lookup anymore. The development version will simply send a sent of scancodes that are processed in the host computer.

Autohotkey is then used to transform exactly these scancodes to regular keypresses. This autohotkey script has to know the scancode-to-AG5-key mapping in order to perform the key generation. The script will make no sense with any other input device, being it a keyboard or off-the-shelf AG5.

> And more, you'd need a software driver in the OS (or in X?) to
> translate the scancodes generated by that new shift keys, because also
> the common keyboard drivers know nuts about them.

In this sense the red and blue shift keys will be keys like 'a' or space when the firmware treats them as those. You need a translator to transform the scancodes to actual keycodes. It's a matter of convenience whether this translator is in the PC or in the AG5.

> keyboard (that is, the conventional driver already installed in any
> machine) can't deal with these tricky things (namely, 3 shift levels).

Windows and X11 have only a single 2D table that is indexed by shift state (think 1 bit per shift key) and scancode. The output is the keycode. So you can't handle sequences. shift-alt-A is the same as alt-shift-A. 

> I din't study the conventional remapping possibilities, because I'm
> still waiting for the AG5 I've just bought. Maybe I'm wrong, what do
> you think?

My strategy was to use the original keymap, identify things I don't like and change them using autohotkey or usbhotkey. When OpenAG5 works, it simpl y means I can do the same this on any computer I plug the AG5 into.
Dr. Lars Krueger

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