Re: [openag5-talk] Modus operandis

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2008/4/5, Lars Krueger <lars_e_krueger@xxxxxx>:
> > I suggest we really go on trying to reprogram the device, but it
>  > should be done only once, so that...
> I see this as one use case. One can easily implement this by making each key send a unique keycode. ... This is very convenient for the development of a new keymap, but inconvenient if I want to use this keymap on any computer.

Yes, you are right, it's just one use case, this project here is
really more generic. So I change my assertion: "we keep on working on
this and also I can visualise a base scankey scheme, in order to rise
up a completely new device, not only a keymapping one, based on the
other flat model, the one used world wide nowadays.

>  Once you have your keymap programmed to your liking, you could transform it to a microcontroller program and burn it into the AG5. You have your personal keymap, regardless of the software on the host computer.

Yes, that's the most convenient approach, at least while Alphagrip is
not enough spread off. But, specially because it's a very portable
device, even if it was widely known, it would be cool being able to
have your own customized layout to be used everywhere.

>  If you can express the algorithm behind your keymap as a finite state machine and a set of tables, the transfer from one program (e.g. autohotkey) to another (microcontroller assembly) is easy.

For most of the cases, yes, but... See this problem here:

That is: the color shift keys don't generate any scancode, is it correct?

Felipe Castro


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