Am Mon, 18 Mar 2013 20:03:10 +0100
schrieb Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
On 18/03/2013 18:21, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
But can you move it latter ?
Yes, inside emutos-floppy booted from that ROM, the mouse worked.
You could try to modify "IKBD_ROM_VERSION" in ikbd.c to see if it
fixes the problem.
I may try some day, but I'm just a user (here)...
0xf0 does not help ... but it works when I disable the sending of the
"version number" completely. Looks like TOS 0.00 does not expect this
byte. This could mean that the very early IKBDs did not send this
code ... or, Nicolas, could it be that 0xf1 should not be sent after a
hard reset, and only after a 0x80 0x01 reset command? TOS 0.00 does not
send the 0x80 0x01 command as far as I can see, so maybe it should also
not get the 0xf1?