Re: [hatari-devel] Linux boot freeze with Hatari git on 040/060 + MMU + CPU prefetch/cache

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On 16.3.2024 17.03, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 15/03/2024 à 23:57, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
On 15.3.2024 12.38, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
does it work if cpu cache is not enabled but prefetch or cycle exact are enabled ?  ie, is it cpu cache taht cause the problem ?

There's panic in same place regardless of whether "--compatible on" or "--cycle-exact on" is used.

How do I enable cycle-exact, but not cache emulation, I thought "--cpu-exact" option controls both?

my bad, there's no option for that :(

I'll add separate option for that.

but in src/m68000.c you can add at line 396

changed_prefs.cpu_data_cache = false

to force data cache off in all cases ; then if you can test again, this could tell if problem is in cache or not (if it doesn't works with cache off, it doesn't mean there's no problem in cache, but at least it narrows the parts to look at first)

CPU exact & compatible options have no effect on this bug, only whether CPU cache is enabled (panic/freeze, due to memory not being at expected address) or not (everything works, although there are lot of DEBUG log messages [1]).

	- Eero

[1] on user-space / kernel-space transition (= MMU mapping changes?) there are messages like this: DEBUG: Your Atari program just did something terribly stupid: dummy_xlate($800998ce)

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