[hatari-devel] EmuTOS boot freeze with Hatari git on 040/060 + MMU

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(I cross-posted both to Hatari and EmuTOS lists, remove the other one depending on which one your answer concerns.)

With the Git Hatari version, EmuTOS freezes early in the boot (before boot info screen), when >030 CPU with MMU is enabled:
--machine tt/falcon --cpulevel 4/6 --mmu on

When it's frozen, Hatari "--log-level debug" output shows constant flow of these:
DEBUG: SCC: get status for CTS 1
DEBUG: SCC: get status for DCD 1
DEBUG: SCC: get status for CTS 0
DEBUG: SCC: get status for DCD 0

And EmuTOS CPU symbol tracing shows only VBL interrupt running after the freeze:
8 repeats of: _int_vbl
16 repeats of: _int_vbl

There's no freeze with June version of Hatari Git, so it could be something related to SCC support added after that, and SCC handling either in Hatari or EmuTOS.

This happens both with EmuTOS 1.2.1 and git version, so it's not a regression on EmuTOS side, only potential latent bug in it.

	- Eero

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