Re: [hatari-devel] EmuTOS boot freeze with Hatari git on 040/060 + MMU

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On 14.3.2024 23.51, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
stupid bug spotted and fixed, please try the attached patch on current devel sources, it should use the correct MFP vector in case of interrupt (iack_cycle() result was incorrectly saved in 'nr' instead of 'vector_nr', as in Exception_mmu030() )

This fixes the EmuTOS 040 / 060 + MMU freeze on boot.

When CPU caches & prefetch are disabled [1], it also gets Linux booting both on 040 & 060, which hasn't worked for a long time!

(I can understand how your patch fixes spurious interrupts for 040 case, but not how the bug caused Linux to use non-implemented opcodes for 060 case...)

	- Eero

[1] If CPU caches & prefetch are enabled, very early on boot Linux double bus errors on 060, and freezes on 040. Same happens also with v2.4.1 though, so it's not a regression.

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