Re: [hatari-devel] EmuTOS boot freeze with Hatari git on 040/060 + MMU

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Eero Tamminen schrieb:

With the Git Hatari version, EmuTOS freezes early in the boot (before
boot info screen), when >030 CPU with MMU is enabled:
--machine tt/falcon --cpulevel 4/6 --mmu on

Here is my breakdown:

- I can confirm your observation.

- EmuTOS hangs indefinitely in a delay loop because the TimerC IRQ is not called, and therefore hz_200 is never incremented.

- According to my "git bisect" the breaking commit within Hatari is:

commit eb4467638e926af2c3d9b4e23da9917fbbf1d2d6
Author: Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Sep 19 22:36:28 2023 +0200

MMU/generic CPU mode autovectored interrupt support (from WinUAE 5.1.0 beta1+ 2023/09/19)

BTW, the TimerC IRQ is a *non* autovectored interrupt.

- Note that we have recently tested EmuTOS on a Falcon with CT60, without any issues:

Thus, I would kindly ask the Hatari devs to continue the investigation.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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