Re: [hatari-devel] tools/

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On 14.3.2024 18.35, Christian Zietz wrote:
If the changes are simple enough, or get tested enough before
release, I think it can be included with it.  As it's just a script,
 one can always just fetch latest version directly from Hatari Git if
 problem is found only later on.

This also applies the other way around: If I manage to provide the patch
only after the release, people can still benefit from it, by fetching
the updated version from Hatari git.

Sure, it's not a problem missing a release.

I don't remember any more.  Maybe for assumed Windows compatibility
(which I do not have, so I could not test it, just blindly try to
get something that might work)?

I can assure you that Windows (or DOS) does not look for values in the
MBR that should be in the boot sector/BPB. :-) So, can I assume that
this data in the MBR was not added to keep some obscure Atari driver happy?


That functionality is mainly meant for creating HD images (out of given directory contents) for use with EmuTOS, as EmuTOS supports all HD interfaces out of the box.

I do not remember a program that would not work either with EmuTOS, or run from GEMDOS HD, so motivation for using the script with something else is really just testing Atari HD drivers themselves, and last time I did more of that was somewhere around 2010, which seems to be before [1] I wrote the MBR code.

[1] Looking at the code history, initially partition table was created with "parted", then switched to "sfdisk" in 2009:

And once "sfdisk" broke, replaced by Python code in 2011:

Only Atari tooling related comment is this one:

	- Eero

PS. I'm sure whatever you'll do, it will be more compatible than what I had. :-)

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