Re: [hatari-devel] video freq set to 60 Hz instead of 50 Hz for Falcon VGA

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Le 25/02/2024 à 22:07, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 25/02/2024 à 21:39, Daniel Hedberg a écrit :
Actually, a lot of Falcon demos sets a 50Hz vertical refresh rate on VGA monitors by directly writing to the Videl hardware registers, while a few uses the standard 60Hz VGA video mode. I'm afraid that forcing 60Hz on VGA will break more demos than it will fix, as 50Hz on VGA is pretty common. A better solution would of course be to emulate/respect the Videl registers.


do you have ready to use "formula" based on HW registers to determine which freq is used, 50 or 60 Hz (or other freq, but as it's emulated we need to fallback to 50 Hz for example)

typo : "as it's *not* emulated"

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