Re: [hatari-devel] unexpected output of 'm' with count or range in debugger

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On 25.2.2024 23.04, J.Young wrote:
Likewise, specifying a range "m b 5120-5120" or "m b 5120-5121" prints an entire line also.

The reason I bring this up is that being able to print a byte, word or long only or any arbitrary number instead of line granularity would be very helpful when looking at structures.

You can use "evaluate" command for printing individual address values.

Some examples:

> e ($100).b
  value at ($100).b = $0
= %0 (bin), #0 (dec), $0 (hex)

> e (a0 + $100).w
  value at ($100).w = $e0
= %11100000 (bin), #224 (dec), $e0 (hex)

> e (basepage).l
  value at ($1a39c).l = $1a39c
= %11010001110011100 (bin), #107420 (dec), $1a39c (hex)

Is that good enough?

	- Eero

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