Re: [hatari-devel] Enhanced keymap support

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On 3.10.2022 18.53, Thomas Huth wrote:
Am Sun, 2 Oct 2022 15:57:18 +0200
schrieb Yves Le Berre <yves.le_berre@xxxxxxxxx>:
Due to Thomas recent changes :

- Reduce our dependencies to screen.h,
- Replace strlcpy() with a better implementation.

I adapted enhanced_keymap patches by rebasing and grouping the patches
by filenames rather by added/modified function.

Please don't squash patches together in such a big patch. That makes the
changes very hard to review.

Eero, you once started looking into this problem, do you still plan to
take care of this? Or don't you have time for this anymore?

* I'm still not convinced that using SDL scancode indexing (instead of earlier ST scancode indexing) is better

- Last time I tried the patch set, it was still occasionally triggering one of the added asserts after using AltGr shortcuts (which eats some key events). Those extra asserts are needed because of switch to SDL scancodes

* I concluded that symbolic keymapping issues should be handled first [1]

However, I kind of run out of steam (motivation) after starting on symbolic keymapping stuff, as I had spent so *much* time on this patch series (my wife was complaining about it too).

[1] It's ridiculous that people need to write keymap files to use their keyboards with Hatari. Proper symbolic keymapping should be able to solve need for keymaps for most people.

Making it work for every TOS / keyboard layout version is just a lot of work, as you need separate builtin mapping for each layout:

After that, it can be evaluated whether (and how much) the current patch series is still needed.

	- Eero

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