Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari Mac GUI: Selecting IDE image

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On 27.8.2022 0.20, Chris Jenkins wrote:
* would NSOpenPanel default to all files being selectable i.e. could
mutString lines be completely removed?

It looks like it does. I'll remove the what: parameter completely, meaning
that the Mac GUI will allow any filetype to be specified in any file
selector. (As far as I understand it, that's what the SDL GUI does: no
matter what sort of file you are choosing, you can choose a file with any
extension. Correct me if I'm wrong on that one!)

Yes, SDL GUI allows selecting any file, in any place where file is selected.

(There's even support for select files inside Zip archive files.)

BTW, mutString will still be needed because that's used to return the path
of the chosen file.

* does using this "chooseDirectories:NO defaultInitialDir" mean file
selector defaulting to application workdir, or to dir of the initial
file selection?

I confess I haven't figured this out yet. I will attempt to figure it out
and report back. I confess that the file selector on the Mac sometimes
defaults to an unexpected place for me so it'll be good for me to
understand it better. I guess ultimately we'd want the Mac UI to behave the
same as the Hatari configuration defaults and/or the SDL UI...?

Otherwise yes, but I guess it's fine to follow OS defaults for things like application (Hatari) configuration files, maybe also screenshots, if OS has defaults for such.

(Although I have to admit that I like Hatari saving screenshots on Linux to working dir instead of my already full ~/Pictures/ folder.)

I'm busy this weekend but will attempt to create a new patch early next
week (once it works and I'm confident that I've not screwed up some basic
Objective C thing) to remove the filetype filters at least.

Great, thanks!

	- Eero

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