Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari Windows 2.4.1 release and PortMidi?

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On Mittwoch, 24. August 2022 18:04:53 CEST Christian Zietz wrote:

> Which ZIP are you referring to, and where do you get an "Access denied"

> error?


More precisely, i get:



The error there (0xc0000022) is just the NT-error code NT_ACCESS_DENIED


The zip i use is unzip (aka InfoZIP), from ming


> Windows does not even have this sort of numeric ("0755") file permissions.


No, but the cygwin version of chmod translates that into the corresponding security descriptor. The problem is that the files aren't executable for windows, when clicking "properties" in the context menu, and then look at the Security tab, either for the exe or for the dlls. But as already mentioned, this also happens with other binary packages.





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