Re: [hatari-devel] Falcon RS232 emulation

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Am Tue, 2 Aug 2022 21:16:25 +0200
schrieb Miro Kropáček <miro.kropacek@xxxxxxxxx>:

> So yes, RS232 output works and yes, on SCC for Falcon. However if Falcon
> has (officially) only one serial port, why wasting the UI checkbox for
> nothing? It could easily redirect SCC output instead of MFP output.

Just to add some historic context: SCC support is still completely
incomplete. The code is just a very quick-n-dirty adaption of the SCC
emulation in Aranym, missing interrupt emulation in Hatari and likely some
other additonal bugs on top of it. I just added it to Hatari since some
people were complaining that TOS 3.06 is crashing in certain cases where it
tries to access the SCC registers. So from an end-user perspective, please
consider SCC emulation as not available yet, it's just not ready yet.
That's also why I never cared about adding it to the UI.


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