Re: [hatari-devel] DSP "running" on non-falcon

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Le 29/07/2022 à 00:43, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On 27.7.2022 15.32, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 27/07/2022 à 12:05, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
I think the reason for doing things based on specific emulation settings, instead of machine type, is that machine type can change quite late in emulation (re-)initialization (when TOS is loaded), based on the TOS version (in tos.c).

maybe ; in such case code should be checked one day, because in all accuracy when changing machine type, we should first change machine type, then re-init all depending HW such as DSP or SCC or SCSI or whatever.

In that case I guess TOS check should be done first, and initializing everything else after that.

It's possible that those things done with TOS checks also require something else to be initialized, but maybe those can be ripped out when all other initialization is done after TOS version check.

Yes, that's not a big issue at the moment, but I sometimes encountered some kind of "loop" situations at the code level when changing HW or TOS or other parameters. You often end using some additional variables to prevent the same part being called several times for nothing.

Not top of priority, but could be tidied up some days

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