Re: [hatari-devel] DSP "running" on non-falcon

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On 26.7.2022 20.07, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 26/07/2022 à 18:37, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
And looking later to the trace, why the heck EmuTOS is trying to do DSP on emulated 030 MegaST?

This is definitely wrong (since a long time in Hatari) : for example m68k_run_mmu030 () does this :

   if (bDspEnabled) {
         DSP_Run(2 * cpu_cycles * 2 / CYCLE_UNIT);

Looking at the DSP_Run() code, this does not actually run DSP code on anything else than Falcon, only this:
        if ( nHostCycles == 0 )

        DSP_CyclesGlobalClockCounter = CyclesGlobalClockCounter;

        save_cycles += nHostCycles * 2;

        if (dsp_core.running == 0)

This is because dsp_core.running gets set only after first write to Falcon DSP CPU_HOST_TRXL IO register, which obviously can happen only on Falcon.

so, as soon as DSP is enabled in the GUI or with some --options, this calls DSP_Enable() in falcon/dsp.c, which sets bDspEnabled=true , even if machine is not a falcon and has no DSP at all (even an STF will report bDspEnabled=true)  :(((

Yeah, DSP_Enabled() seems to be called from many places based just on the DSP type.

I think the reason for doing things based on specific emulation settings, instead of machine type, is that machine type can change quite late in emulation (re-)initialization (when TOS is loaded), based on the TOS version (in tos.c).

we should at least have this change :

-- a/src/falcon/dsp.c
+++ b/src/falcon/dsp.c
@@ -191,8 +191,11 @@ void DSP_Reset(void)
  void DSP_Enable(void)
-       bDspEnabled = true;
-       DSP_CyclesGlobalClockCounter = CyclesGlobalClockCounter;
+       if ( Config_IsMachineFalcon() )
+       {
+               bDspEnabled = true;
+               DSP_CyclesGlobalClockCounter = CyclesGlobalClockCounter;
+       }

Can you try ? it should not call DSP_Run() in TT mode, maybe improving your tests  (to be complete, we should do the same in DSP_Init and DSP_UnInit, but aprat from calling un-needed DSP functions when not in falcon mode, it should not give problems)

Ok, you already pushed the change. I tested it and it seems to work OK. I also updated the release-notes description a bit.

(And fixed another issue AddressSanitizer noticed.)

	- Eero

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