Re: [hatari-devel] Setting TOS language / keyboard

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On 23.5.2022 22.41, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 23/05/2022 à 21:34, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
If no nvram, then as nKbdLayout won't be taken into account it should allow your patch to work for stf/ste too I think.

Maybe it's easier just to drop Thomas' LANG suggestion?

Well my initial use case was : as we will now ship emutos 1024k with multi languages, how can we ensure that a (new) user that download hatari 2.4 will get a TOS that matches the language of his system (assuming we can determine it) on first start ?

As Hatari will by default start in STF mode, the ideal solution would be that emutos starts in whatever language is detected, without any action from the user. > Regarding this, maybe LANG is the simplest solution to start with, eventually adding more fine-grained options later like you did ?

LANG is set on every Linux machine, with en_US being fairly common even for European users. TOS country code affects both language and keyboard layout, and US country code implies NTSC video mode.

Therefore that could mean Hatari changing TOS keyboard layout and maybe also video freq for most of its users, from what its been earlier.

=> Your proposal seems pretty risky change for a release.

	- Eero

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