Re: [hatari-devel] macOS : booting EmuTOS

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On 12/27/20 7:13 PM, Christian Zietz wrote:
Francois LE COAT schrieb:
and Hatari v.2.3.1 is booting correctly, including GEMDOS drive. There's
no issue about booting EmuTOS, at all.

Thank you for retesting and clarifying this!

BTW, you mentioned another issue in a previous post: EmuTOS 1.0 and
1.0.1 take a while to boot on Hatari's 2.3.x Falcon emulation when no
IDE hard disk image is attached. This was due to a change in IDE
emulation in Hatari. However, the latest EmuTOS snapshots have a
significantly reduced IDE timeout in this case to speed up booting:

And one can use "--fast-boot on" option which doesn't enable IDE interface for Falcon unless
user has also specified IDE disk.

(Same option also disables TOS RAM checks at boot.)

	- Eero

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