Re: [hatari-devel] macOS : booting EmuTOS

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Christian Zietz writes:
Francois LE COAT schrieb:
But I noticed another issue with EmuTOS 1.0.1. The Falcon030 is
booting very slowly, and the hostfs (the Macintosh drive C:) is
no longer recognized with Hatari v.2.3.1. Only A: and B: floppies
are mounted. So Hatari doesn't boot regularly with EmuTOS 1.0.1.
Only EmuTOS 1.0.0 recognize the hostfs, and boots correctly ...

If by "hostfs" you mean the GEMDOS drive, I'm sorry, but this cannot be
confirmed. See the attached screenshots of Hatari 2.3.1 (albeit on
Windows) running EmuTOS 1.0 and 1.0.1. The GEMDOS drive is recognized in
both cases. Please provide your Hatari configuration for further

I'm running Hatari v.2.3.1:

My iMac is 5k 27" mid-2019 hosted with macOS Mojave (10.14.6), and the
Falcon030 32MHz, 68882, MMU 14Mb only boots correctly with EmuTOS 1.0.0:


If I use EmuTOS 1.0.1, the hostfs (GEMDOS drive) is not recognized, and
the Falcon030 14Mb doesn't boot regularly. I'm sorry, but I'm reporting
an issue with macOS, that might not happen with Windows, for sure!

I'm sorry, but I was using a wrong version of EmuTOS 1.0.1. Now I use:


and Hatari v.2.3.1 is booting correctly, including GEMDOS drive. There's
no issue about booting EmuTOS, at all.

Thanks having helped. Thanks to the Hatari Team for the great version =)

Best regards,

François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)

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