Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing hatari 2.3.1

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Sorry to pop in. What do you mean with "portmidi support is buggy" ? We will still be able to buid Hatari with MIDI support enabled, right ? But portmidi-devel will no longer be mandatory so if it's not there we will just be no MIDI support in the built hatari, correct ?



Le 25/12/2020 à 19:57, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
Hi Nicolas,

I propose dropping portmidi-devel from hatari.spec
deps, as portmidi support is buggy, and not needed
on Linux.  See attached patch.

The other patch updates version info in docs &
sources to v2.3.1 in case that helps (remember to
change '??' in hatari.spec & release-notes.txt to
the correct date before commiting).

On 12/24/20 3:01 PM, Eero Tamminen wrote:
I pushed one more fix before release, for profile
post-processor assert.

(I'd tested it before release mainly with EmuTOS
which has absolute addresses, not with apps. :-/)

    - Eero

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