Re: [hatari-devel] macOS : FPU using EmuTOS

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I'm really very sorry. But that's far to much complicated for me ...
I'm amazed how a such simple question leads to a complicated solution.

Bob Carpenter writes:
You can go into Keyboard System Preferences and check "Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys". That will change F12 to act as a function key which will bring up the SDL menu in Hatari. I have left it permanently set that way because I rarely use the function keys to adjust the sound or brightness. Since I use a MacBook Pro, I use fn-<function key> if I want to use the special functions that macOS builds into the function keys,

Bob C

Francois LE COAT wrote:
    I have a 5k 27" iMac mid-2019 under macOS Mojave, and there's no
    <fn> key on the keyboard. That's why I ask if the SDL UI is mapped ?
    F12 is augmenting the sound level, but doesn't call SDL UI ...

    Bob Carpenter writes:
     > I also run the macOS version. F12 is the correct key. However, if
     > use a Mac notebook, you may have to press fn-F12 to get the SDL
    UI to
     > appear.
     > Bob C
     > Francois LE COAT wrote:
     >     Eero Tamminen writes:
     >      > Francois LE COAT wrote:
     >      >> I asked for my Falcon030 when I bought it in 1993, that it is
     >      >> equipped with a 68882. The Eureka 2.12 software that I
     >      >> with it, takes advantage of 68030+FPU. I know a few
    software like
     >      >> that : for example Euler, Fractals, Inshape III, POV-Ray etc.
     >      >>
     >      >> ARAnyM that looks very close to a Falcon enables the FPU.
     >      >> I think Hatari should enable FPU for Falcon, but it
    doesn't ...
     >      >
     >      > You can just enable FPU option in Hatari GUI,
     >      > save your config, and forget about it.  FPU config
     >      > option is unlikely to change, so it should persist
     >      > across Hatari updates.
     >      >
     >      > This is how it has worked since Hatari switched
     >      > to using WinAUE CPU core for Falcon emulation
     >      > around 2012, so this isn't anything recent...
     >      >
     >      >
     >      > (With oldAUE CPU core, FPU was always enabled for
     >      > 020+, because it didn't support anything else.)
     >      >
     >      >
     >      >      - Eero
     >      >
     >      > PS. Because FPU wasn't default for Falcon HW, the
     >      > question on enabling it by default would be which one? :-)
     >      >
     >      > Hatari emulates 68881, 68882, internal one, and then there are
     >     couple of
     >      > variants of those, one
     >      > using PC FPU for the emulation which is fast, but
     >      > slightly inaccurate, and accurate 100% SW
     >      > emulation which is clearly slower.
     >     Jérôme Vernet who is building Hatari for macOS, advised me to
     >     use SDL GUI to enable the FPU pressing F12. But it doesn't work,
     >     and it is not documented for macOS version. I don't know how
     >     to call the SDL GUI under macOS ... I'm sorry. Is it mapped ?


François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)

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