Re: [hatari-devel] macOS : FPU using EmuTOS |
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On 12/4/20 8:00 PM, Francois LE COAT wrote:
I asked for my Falcon030 when I bought it in 1993, that it is
equipped with a 68882. The Eureka 2.12 software that I developed
with it, takes advantage of 68030+FPU. I know a few software like
that : for example Euler, Fractals, Inshape III, POV-Ray etc.
ARAnyM that looks very close to a Falcon enables the FPU.
I think Hatari should enable FPU for Falcon, but it doesn't ...
You can just enable FPU option in Hatari GUI,
save your config, and forget about it. FPU config
option is unlikely to change, so it should persist
across Hatari updates.
This is how it has worked since Hatari switched
to using WinAUE CPU core for Falcon emulation
around 2012, so this isn't anything recent...
(With oldAUE CPU core, FPU was always enabled for
020+, because it didn't support anything else.)
- Eero
PS. Because FPU wasn't default for Falcon HW, the
question on enabling it by default would be which one? :-)
Hatari emulates 68881, 68882, internal one, and then there are couple of
variants of those, one
using PC FPU for the emulation which is fast, but
slightly inaccurate, and accurate 100% SW
emulation which is clearly slower.