Re: [hatari-devel] Tests of Falcon games

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Le 04/10/2020 à 18:59, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

capy : not tested

Dies now to:
WARN : Bus Error reading at address $ff9c00, PC=$3dfe2 addr_e3=3dfe2 op_e3=4cd8

This is *regression* from Hatari v2.2.1.

(FF9C00 is just after normal VIDEL regs.)

Sokoban by FUN : game freeze (black screen) after Bus Error writing at address $ff97fe, PC=$e12bce addr_e3=e12bce op_e3=4ad5



according to our test results for bus errors in falcon mode, we can see that we have different results depending on compatibility mode with ste (bit 5 at ff8007).

in falcon mode :
 $FF9C00 - $FFA200 : gives bus error
 $FF9224 - $FF9800 : gives bus error
 -> access to ff9c00 and ff97fe should give bus error

in compatible mode :
 $FF9000 - $FFA000 : no bus error
 -> access ff9c00 and ff97fe should not give bus error

So, are those games really supposed to run in plain falcon mode or should compatible mode be used ? I don't see why the games would access these 2 addresses that don't seem to be used for anything.


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