Re: [hatari-devel] Tests of Falcon games |
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On 10/5/20 11:20 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 04/10/2020 à 18:59, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
capy : not tested
Dies now to:
WARN : Bus Error reading at address $ff9c00, PC=$3dfe2 addr_e3=3dfe2
This is *regression* from Hatari v2.2.1.
(FF9C00 is just after normal VIDEL regs.)
Sokoban by FUN : game freeze (black screen) after Bus Error writing
at address $ff97fe, PC=$e12bce addr_e3=e12bce op_e3=4ad5
according to our test results for bus errors in falcon mode, we can see
that we have different results depending on compatibility mode with ste
(bit 5 at ff8007).
in falcon mode :
$FF9C00 - $FFA200 : gives bus error
$FF9224 - $FF9800 : gives bus error
-> access to ff9c00 and ff97fe should give bus error
in compatible mode :
$FF9000 - $FFA000 : no bus error
-> access ff9c00 and ff97fe should not give bus error
So, are those games really supposed to run in plain falcon mode or
should compatible mode be used ?
I don't see why the games would access these 2 addresses that don't seem
to be used for anything.
When tracing the compat bit:
b (0xff8007).b & 0x20 ! (0xff8007).b & 0x20 :trace
It seems to be set (= Falcon mode) at boot, before
TOS memory test.
Neither of these games clears that bit to STE bus
With current Hatari, Capy works if MMU is enabled [1], fails if MMU is
disabled. With earlier Hatari
version, it worked regardless of whether MMU was
enabled or not.
(Which is confusing... Didn't the Falcon bus mode
work properly earlier? If it now works correctly,
how this game ever worked on real Falcon them?)
As to Sokoban, what happens with it depends on
whether one has enabled MMU, TT-RAM and how much
ST-RAM there is. Only in some config it gives
bus error. It always does Pterm(-1) though.
=> I would concentrate on YesCrew's Capy.
Then there's also the issue of Falcon boot taking
a lot longer (before the TOS memory check), than
with previous Hatari version.
- Eero
[1] hatari --parse ste-compat-reg.ini \
--machine falcon --tos tos404.img --mmu on \
-s 4 --monitor vga --fastfdc on capy/capy.prg