Re: [hatari-devel] Blitter bug in STe mode

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Le 09/06/2020 à 11:26, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :

I will add some Hatari specific code in TAS (unless you want to add an empty handle_tas_xxx function in gencpu for TAS that could be replaced by a non empty function in the case of Hatari ? that would allow to keep a common gencpu, but if you feel it has no use for amiga, no problem, I will add it directly in Hatari's code)

Note that since for Atari the only known case can be when using TAS + blitter, it will certainly be enough to change blitter.c code in Hatari to check if the blitter is started by "tas" and if so to delay blitter until number of cycles to complete "tas" are done.

So, not really necessary to have a generic solution at the cpu level, doing a special at the blitter level should be enough for now.


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