Re: [hatari-devel] HW support matrix for manual

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This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Attached is corresponding patch to the HTML manual
(with the SCC item corrected).

Any comments on the layout/looks/content?

	- Eero

On 12/26/19 8:57 PM, Eero Tamminen wrote:
I want to list HW differences between Atari
machines emulated by Hatari, so I'm opting for
listing different Shifter versions, and option
for upgrading CPU for ST etc.

(Shifter variants could be listed on one line
with "ST, STE or TT Shifter".)

I'm still wondering should I list also joypads...

Any more comments?

     - Eero

Atari HW configuration differences matrix

Table below lists HW features belonging to each Atari machine, except for the ones common to all
(FDC, IKBD, MFP, MIDI, PSG, RS-232...).

              ST    STe   MegaST  MegaSTE  TT  Falcon
LMC1992      -     x       -      x       x    x
Microphone   -     -       -      -       -    x
Stereo DMA   -     x       -      x       x    x

Blitter     [3]    x       x      x       -    x
ST Shifter   x     -       x      -       -    -
STE Shifter  -     x       -      x       -    -
TT Shifter   -     -       -      -       x    -
Videl        -     -       -      -       -   [4]

HD interfaces:
ACSI         x     x       x      x       x    -
IDE         [1]   [1]     [1]    [1]     [2]   x
SCSI         -     -       -      -       x    x

Other HW:
56001 DSP    -     -       -      -       -    x
MFP2 (TTMFP) -     -       -      -       x    -
MMU         [5]   [5]     [5]    [5]      x    x
NVRAM        -     -       -      -       x    x
RTC          -     -       x      x       x    x
SCC A/B      -     -       -      -      [6]  [6]
TT-RAM       -     -       -      -       x   [7]
32-bit bus   -     -       -      -       x   [7]
              ST    STe   MegaST  MegaSTE  TT  Falcon

x = Stock machine configuration
[1] Requires EmuTOS or TOS 2.06
[2] Requires EmuTOS or Linux
[3] Add-on, supported since TOS 1.02
[4] Some features missing from Hatari
[5] 68030+ is add-on, requires EmuTOS or TOS 2.06
[6] Only partial support in Hatari
[7] Hatari patches support for this to TOS v4.04

(512k version of EmuTOS included with Hatari binary packages supports all Atari HW except
for Falcon DSP & Videl HiColor mode.)

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