Re: [hatari-devel] Manual update

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Eero Tamminen schrieb:

> That HW matrix could look something like this:
>             ST    STe   MegaST  MegaSTE  TT  Falcon
> Blitter    [x]    x      [x]     x       x    x

> [x] = supported only with TOS 2.06 / EmuTOS

Why is that? At least on real HW, the Blitter is supported with TOS 1.02
and above.

Also, what should the matrix show exactly? The "stock" configuration of
the different computers, so that a user can configure Hatari to emulate
a certain machine? In that case Blitter needs to be removed from the ST
column. Afaik, no ST was delivered with the Blitter installed.

Also TT-RAM needs to be removed from the Falcon column. The Falcon only
supported ST-RAM.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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