Re: [hatari-devel] MEMWATCH freezes Hatari

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Le 22/10/2018 à 23:12, Uwe Seimet a écrit :
Attached is the Hatari console log after enabling this kind of debugging.

no real d-cache problems here, those are just some HW access, the cache consistency tests are not relevant in that case.

Note that when I am testing I start Hatari without PMMU, CE and PF
enabled. I enable them by pressing F12 and reconfiguring, and then
resetting Hatari. Maybe this has some relevance.

I don't know, hopefully not, but there could have been issues in the past where changed options were not correctly applied. Just to be sure it would be better to always use a command line with all the parameters, for example :

../hatari --machine tt --tos ~/Emul/ST/tos306fr.img -s 8 --ttram 16 --mmu on --addr24 off --cpu-exact on --compatible on --conout 2 -m

Also disable any IDE/ASCI drives, I only use gemdos HD in my tests.
First step would be to find a setup where programs work for you as they do for me (and for christian in some tests), then we could try to find the combinations that cause this.


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