Re: [hatari-devel] MEMWATCH freezes Hatari

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Yes, this is what also worked for me. I think I wrote ST-RAM once in my
previous posting, meaning TT-RAM. Please try with 8 MB ST-RAM and 16 MB
TT-RAM. This crashed for me with the segmentation fault I posted.

Best regards


> Le 22/10/2018 à 19:32, Uwe Seimet a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am using the regular TT hi resolution. Does this resolution work for you?
> > 
> yes, I just tested by adding '-m' switch when starting hatari, I'm in TT 
> high res and memwatch/pd started correctly xith 4 or 8 MB ST RAM, no TT 
> RAM and CE=on

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