Re: [hatari-devel] MEMWATCH freezes Hatari

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Le 16/10/2018 à 15:00, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :

0001A8AC 4e73                     RTE
0001E276 42a7                     CLR.L -(A7)
0001E278 6036                     BT .B #$36 == $0001e2b0 (T)

As can be seen, the RTE executes the instruction at 1e276, but the "clr.b (a1)" at 1e274 is not retried.

So, in that case there's no instant crash, this clr.b might be useless now, but the rerun behaviour was not correct.

I don't see anything obvious in m68k_do_rte_mmu030(), neither in code for op_4e73.

Toni, do you see sthg with these traces or do you need more infos ?

Some more debugging :

after the RTE opcode is executed, we go back to the main loop in m68k_run_mmu030. Then we have this code :

if (mmu030_retry && mmu030_opcode == -1)
        goto insretry;

A printf just before this 'if' shows mmu030_retry=true (as expected after m68k_do_rte_mmu030) but mmu030_opcode=4211 and not -1

Looking in m68k_do_rte_mmu030, mmu030_opcode comes from :

      uae_u32 ps = get_long_mmu030c(a7 + 0x28);
      uae_u32 oc = get_long_mmu030c (a7 + 0x14);

      mmu030_opcode = (ps & 0x80000000) ? -1 : (oc & 0xffff);

In that case, ps=00003f00 oc=00004211 and mmu030_opcode=4211

I couldn't find the meaning of a7+0x28 in the doc, it just says "internal registers, 2 words".
Maybe that's here that the retry is not correctly validated ?

So, should it be mmu030_opcode != -1 in m68k_run_mmu030 ?
If I use a "!= -1", the instruction at 1e274 is correctly retried, but I don't know if this is the proper fix.


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