Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari freezing when running FIX24.PRG

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Le 09/10/2018 à 18:46, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Yes, that's the other option I was considering, that fix24.prg doesn't support so much ST RAM.

If I run with less ST RAM (10 MB), then fix24 is working, there's no crash.

Uwe, what working memory config did you use on your TT to be sure we test the same under Hatari ?

If I understand correctly, if you have TT RAM, then fix24 will also try to map part of this 32bit TT RAM inside the 24 bit address space to reach the maximum possible.

So, if you have 10 MB of ST RAM, you can still access the first 4 MB of your TTRAM from A00000 to E00000. If you have 4 MB of ST RAM, then 10 MB of TT RAM will be visible just after the ST RAM (this would need some extra code to change memtop / phystop accordingly so that TOS really sees this memory region and use it, maybe some other program needed to be ran after fix24.prg to take this into account)


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