Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari freezing when running FIX24.PRG

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Le 09/10/2018 à 17:59, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :

As can be seen, $738 contains 01 00 00 01 instead of 00 e0 00 01.

Am I missing something (my memories about mmu debugging are not completely fresh yet :) ) or does fix24.prg requires at least 32 or 64 MB of TT-RAM for example to not override $738 ?

In fact, I wonder if the content of $42e (phystop, incorrectly called memtop in fix24.s) might not be wrong, which would cause content at $738 to be overwritten.

When TT ram is added, $42e contains E00000 if I start with 14 MB of RAM.

But should $42e contain the end of TT RAM space instead ? For example $2000000 when 16 MB of TT RAM are present ?

what does TOS do on real HW with TT-RAM ?


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