Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari freezing when running FIX24.PRG

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Le 09/10/2018 à 12:54, Uwe Seimet a écrit :

thanks for this program, but unfortunately I can't reproduce any crash.

I copied fix24.prg to my gemdos drive then ran :

hatari -c ../my_tests/hatari_uwe.cfg  -d /others/ST/D  --machine tt
--tos ~/Emul/ST/tos306fr.img -s 14 --ttram 16 --mmu on --addr24 off
--cpu-exact on --compatible on

from the desktop I launched fix24.prg which exited cleanly and tos still
work, no crash.

How did you ensure that TT-RAM was completely unallocated when starting
FIX24? Please see the notes in my previous posting: FIX24 usually has to
be run (as first program) from the AUTO folder. Otherwise some TT-RAM may
already have been allocated, and then it's too late to disable 32 bit
addressing, because running programs are already using it.
Please also check the startup message of FIX24, which reports if TT-RAM
is already in use.

Ok, I can get the same problem when starting from auto. I will try to debug this as soon as I get a little more spare time.


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