Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari freezing when running FIX24.PRG

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Nicolas Pomarède schrieb:

> In fact, I wonder if the content of $42e (phystop, incorrectly called 
> memtop in fix24.s) might not be wrong, which would cause content at $738 
> to be overwritten.
> When TT ram is added, $42e contains E00000 if I start with 14 MB of RAM.
> But should $42e contain the end of TT RAM space instead ? For example 
> $2000000 when 16 MB of TT RAM are present ?
> what does TOS do on real HW with TT-RAM ?

I could test on a real TT later if you want. But I'm already very
certain that $42e is supposed to only contain ST-RAM:

phystop      LONG 0x42e 	Pointer to the first byte above the physical
end of the ST-compatible RAM region (physical top of ST-compatible RAM)

The end of TT-RAM is in...
ramtop       LONG 0x5a4 	Pointer to the end of the Fast-RAM in Atari TT
(not officially documented).


I think the problem here is that Hatari allows you to run with 14 MB of
*ST*-RAM and FIX24.PRG does not take this possibility into account. Real
TTs -- at least with Atari's RAM boards -- could have 10 MB ST-RAM maximum.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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