Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari and OUTSIDE (virtual memory manager) |
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Le 08/10/2018 à 19:11, Uwe Seimet a écrit :
Hi,did you try outside too ?OUTSIDE is very instable, crashes the system very often. Considering that OUTSIDE make much more use of the PMMU than ROMSPEED does, it's unlikely that OUTSIDE will work when ROMSPEED does not. I think I already asked this, but no one responded: Is the PMMU emulation actually complete, including function codes, master stack pointer, stack frames etc.? How has the emulation been tested?
As for any software, I think it's complete unless someone find some bugs that proves the opposite :)
More seriously, tests are made by running programs known to require a PMMU. So it works with Previous (where the code comes from) and then it works in WinUAE too, but I don't know if there were many programs requiring PMMU on Amiga, or it's just that the current state of emulation is good enough to run them and no one reported bugs before.
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