Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari and OUTSIDE (virtual memory manager)

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Maybe I missed something when testing the latest patches. I will test
them again as soon as they have been checked in.

> Le 02/10/2018 à 19:29, Uwe Seimet a écrit :
> > Just applied this patch and also Toni's change, but still get the same
> > errors as before with OUTSIDE and ROMSPEED.
> for me it doesn't crash anymore (whether I apply my own quick 
> modification from yesterday or the patch by andreas).
> I run for example (with cycle exact enabled in config file) :
> hatari   --machine tt --tos tos306fr.img -s 14 --mmu on
> That part of the code in romspeed then gives :
>          ptestr #2,([8,a0]),#7,a0
> -> returns A0=$7f8 and D0=$20005
>          move.l d0,(a0)  ;enter in descriptor table
>          pflusha
> then romspeed exits cleanly and tos keeps on working
> and this changes default TOS MMU tables from :
> 000007F0: 00 c0 00 09 00 d0 00 19 00 e0 00 09 00 f0 00 59
> to :
> 000007F0: 00 c0 00 09 00 d0 00 19 00 02 00 0d 00 f0 00 59
> I'm booting on a gemdos hd directory with nothing loaded from auto, just 
> default tos desktop.
> Nicolas

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