Re: [hatari-devel] How to detect Hatari?

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Le 08/02/2017 à 21:15, Thomas Huth a écrit :

NatFeats also changes behavior of one (normally unused)

... and some old games / demos depend on the correct behavior of invalid
opcodes, so it's not a good idea to enable this by default in Hatari.

I also agree that it should not be the default. Hatari should have the closest possible behaviour to a real STF/STE/Falcon out of the box the first time a user starts it, it would only be confusing to explain users that they need to turn natfeats off when most user will just want to start a game or a demo.

As for detecting Hatari today in the specific case at the start of this thread, I think Thomas' suggestion to check cartridge space is the best for now when gemdos HD is used. For example the string "HATARI.TOS" is avaible at address $FA0018 in such cases and you know you're running inside an emulator.


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