Re: [hatari-devel] FPU update

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> Hi,
> Here is a link to the diagnostic version of the fpu test program:
> Unfortunately it will not fit on a floppy image. It does generate too
> much data for that. The recording is around 6mb (3.5mb zipped). You'll
> need another way to get the data mounted for tests!

FAT-formatted CF card mounted as a harddrive worked fine.

But now it does not pause and wait for key when test fails like
previously, could you put it back? (at least optionally) Or at least
wait for key after each page of test fail output. It is easier to fix
the first error, then retry, fix next and so on.

Did the tests also change? Now it lists huge amount of failed tests
compared to previous version. Previously neg/abs test was first that failed.

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